Wednesday 2 March 2016

Blue Reef Visit to Bluebirds and Robins

The children in Bluebirds and Robins were very excited when Kate from Blue Reef Aquarium brought some sea animals to Moorlands.

The children were able to see, touch and feel some clam and mussel shells as well as shark eggs.
Some children were not so keen on the shark eggs as they looked a bit unusual!

All of the children enjoyed looking at the spiny starfish and were amazed to find out it had 5 eyes. Starfish have as many eyes as limbs!
Many of the children enjoyed the opportunity to touch the starfish.

The children were keen to look at the edible crab and some felt brave enough to touch it. Kate did make sure that the pincers were tucked around the back of it's body so it could not pinch anyone!

The spider crab was keen to see us and kept moving around in the box before Kate got it out. The children were impressed by how big it was and  how it could fold its legs and pincers away so it would not hurt anyone who wanted to touch it.

Everyone really enjoyed our special visitors and we are now are looking forward to the eggs arriving and hatching very soon! Thank you to our visitors from Blue Reef for such an exciting experience.