Monday 23 March 2015

A musical update for key stage 2 children. 

The final recorder extravaganza rehearsal is on Wednesday 25th March at the Turner Sims Concert Hall.  This will be followed by the actual evening performance.  Moorlands Recorder Group children will be playing their recorders, together with the UKs most popular Medieval band Joglaresa, plus other schools, too.  Our recorder pieces and songs are celebrating 800 years of the spirit of Magna Carta, one of England's greatest exports to the world.  Magna Carta was the springboad for notions of fairness, civil rights and liberties in the time of King John. Good luck to our children for this coming Wednesday.  Mrs Pritchard.

Recently our Upper School choir enjoyed a fantastic singing workshop with Jez Unwin, who has starred in over 25 musical productions in the West End, the recent one being Once.  He worked with the children for a good hour and they absolutely loved it!  The smiles on their faces... The children learnt some warmups, did some work on harmonies and focused on singing the new version of Tomorrow from the musical Annie.  Feeling really proud of these children.  Look out for the photos on our website.  Well done.  Mrs Pritchard.

Drumming workshop is going down a storm on a Thursday lunchtime.  Children are loving it.  The energy we see and the enjoyment felt is evident, which is great to see.  Alex is working with the children doing routines to different pop music.  There will be a drumming assembly for upper school children after lunch this Thursday 26th March.  Look out for photos on the school's website. 

Violin concert on Monday 23rd March in Moorlands school hall at 2:30pm.  Plus additional solos from Keeley, our double bass player, plus George and Zora on violin.  Good luck!!  Mrs Pritchard.

Our Year 5 children recently enjoyed going to a London Sinfonietta Concert at Central Hall.  They experienced listening to contemporary music by various musicians, focusing on rhythms, played on instruments such as electric guitar and marimba.  Children were able to take part clapping out various
rhythms in a round.  Hopefully, it gave them a chance to listen to music that they would otherwise not listen to generally.   Look out for photos on the school's website.  Mrs Pritchard.

Watch out for more musical events.