Monday 16 May 2016

Day one: A day of sunshine, teamwork and water.

Wow! What an action packed day we've had so far! 
Once we had settled into our dorms and Mr Scarborough had introduced us to the rules and routines of Stubbington it was off to our first activity - Chaingangs.

We were given the task of transporting precious medicine through a treacherous Amazonian jungle. This required excellent communication and teamwork skills which we had in abundance. To prove it, only a few of us were gifted with a sprinkling of the lifesaving liquid.

 After a well deserved break in the awesome adventure playground it was time for our second adventure, this time taking place on a tropical Caribbean island. To survive on this deserted island we needed to build a shelter which was safe from predators, waterproof, sturdy and which of course looked fantastic.

Then came the bit that every teacher going to Stubbington loves the best..... waterproof testing time! Unfortunately it would seem, although we had delightfully blue skies, a heavy deluge of rain was about to arrive on our island. The result.... 29 soggy islanders (hee hee hee).

What a way to start our time here at Stubbington. Lots of fantastic memories already made and many many more still to come.