Friday 2 January 2015

Pumpkin soup

When the children were in year 1 they planted pumpkin seeds. As they grew the children kept watering the plants and in year 2 brought them with and re potted them in bigger pts. They fed them regularly and were rewarded with one large pumpkin. The children had a vote on what to do with their prized pumpkin, the children all decided to make pumpkin soup as one of their class secrets of success is to try new things. The children had to follow written instructions to prepare and cook the soup.

It is a shame only one pumpkin grew really big. We have kept the seeds and will grow them again next year.

I can’t wait to grow more vegetables in our outside area.

It was tricky to cut the pumpkin into cube shapes but I persevered.

The smell from the kitchen was really good as it was cooking.

The pumpkin soup was smooth in texture and very tasty.

It tasted really yummy.
I wasn’t going to try it but I did and loved it, I had two cups of it.