Friday 2 January 2015

The dragon visit

Ladybirds class could not decide if dragons were real or not, so we had a debate and put our answers in a voting box. But still we could not decide. Mrs Whittingstall-Bean said she had arranged for some dragons to visit the school and we could decide then.   

We are so lucky to have dragons and lizards visit our class, can we have one as a pet?

It was the best day ever, the big monitor dragon was only 8 months old and it will be huge when it’s an adult.

Even Mrs Whittingstall-Bean held the big dragon.

I found out reptiles are cold blooded.
I found out that they shed their skin like snakes do.

They lay eggs and their babies know how to eat and hunt straight away.

They were amazing and felt dry not wet like I thought.

I found out that a dragon is a type of lizard which is a reptile.

It was brilliant; I got to hold a bearded dragon.
Wow! wow! I touched a bearded dragon.