Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Welcome to the 21st century

Several years ago Moorlands introduced it's first web site at a time when web development was new and innovative, if a little limited. Time and the web have moved on, therefore to publicise the school in a positive and contemporary manor we have totally redesigned the site to reflect the modern face of Moorlands.

Our intention is to provide an informative site that lets you see every facet of school life, from the curriculum to Ofsted report, who and what are the Governors and F.O.M. and most importantly what the children are having for lunch today. In addition we're launching a blog so the children can tell you what they've been up to in their own words, photos and videos.

During the research for the site we became aware that many people found the strange language used to describe and discuss the web alien and confusing, and there are many other people who feel that way to. So much so that Google have written an online book especially designed to explain the web and it's language in a simple user friendly language. 20 Things I Learned is a fabulous way to self educate yourself to understand that strange language that your colleagues, friends and even your children may be speaking.

After many months in development we are pleased to unveil the new Moorlands Primary School website.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Upper School Sample