Thursday, 15 December 2011

Winter Wonderland Windows

Thank you to everyone who entered a Winter Wonderland Window for the Friends of Moorlands Competition. There were lots to look through and picking the winners was very difficult.

Congratulations to the children below.

Winter Wonderland Window Winners

Monday, 7 November 2011


Year 3, 4 and 5 visited INTECH Hands on Science Museum and Planetarium today (7th November).
Year 3 took part in a workshop about light and shadows. We made puppets and then tried them out using a torch.

After the workshop we explored the many different science exhibitions on offer. From mining to saving water to heat cameras.

Everyone had a great day.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

40th Celebrations

Thank you to every one who supported our 40th Anniversary celebrations on 8th October.

We had farm animals


70's games

A clown

A band

Street beats performance

And finally some brilliant fireworks

Birthday Celebrations

A close up of Moorlands Birthday cake.

Mrs White looking a little bit different!

Our brilliant balloon launch.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Moorlands 40th Anniversary

Over the last week we have been celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Moorlands Primary School by learning about the 70's (when the school was opened).
All classes learned about life in the 70's from popular music, fashion and famous faces to how toys have changed to inflation. Year 1 even had a go at tie dyeing!

We all dressed up in red (for ruby anniversary) or 70's clothes on Friday for our 40th Birthday Assembly.

We even had a birthday cake and a fairy cake each thanks to Racheal.