Thursday, 30 June 2011

Stubbington Day Four

Our last full day at Stubbington.
We started this morning with 'Harry Humus' - The story of a particle.
We looked at the different things that can be found in the soil.

We played a game called Bat/Moth. This looked at the echo location that bats use to find and catch their prey.

They even roped me and Mr Dunkley into having a go!

This afternoon we explored Earthquake.

This is a large obstacle course where the children have to carry equipment.

Lava Leap claims yet more victims!!!!

After dinner, a special visitor came to see us.

A bit of down time!!

Take a look at our enactment of a tree and it's root system. The bark are protecting the tree from beetles.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Stubbington Day Three

Yet another great day at Stubbington.
This morning we opened the 'hotel rooms' we left out yesterday.

We were lucky to have caught 2 Bank voles and a long tailed field mouse.
We looked at the small mammals and talked about the differences between the vole and mouse.

The differences were highlighted clearly!

After lunch we went to the beach and collected different coloured materials to turn into a rainbow scultpure.

We then used these items to create our own 3D 'Sea' Sculptures.

The children were very excited when they were told that they would be playing a wide game called 'Stubbington Murder'!

This involved asking 'monsters' where they were when a murder took place.

The Scooby Doo Crew investigating the crime.

Two of the monsters!

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

The Southampton Dance Festival 2011

We had a lovely morning at the Turner Sims Concert Hall in Southampton today, watching lots of different schools perform dances they have been learning. We performed 'Captain Hook' and 'Kung Fu Fighting'- we thought we were the best! Here are some photos and a video clip of our performance.