Friday, 21 December 2012

Recycled Christmas Tree Decorations

Thank you to everyone who brought in a Christmas Tree Decoration made from recycled materials.
Our school Christmas Tree has looked wonderful.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Anti Bullying Week

This week has been National Anti Bullying Week and to celebrate this all the children across the school have completed work on bullying. Some classes made a poster to spread the word that bullying is not accepted at Moorlands, some children wrote songs and raps and other children created role plays.
The week finished with a celebration of all the work the children had produced in a special Anti Bullying Assembly.

We then finished the week with a blue ballon launch. The children had written pledges about bullying which were attached to the balloons.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012


Another great day at Intech for all.
Thank you to all the staff at Intech and to everyone who helped on the day. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Playing on some of the exhibits



Celebrating wins in a variety of ways!

Our light and shadow workshop was great fun!