Monday, 19 January 2015

Composting in Grounds Week with Robins and Bluebirds

During the Winter Grounds Week Robins and Bluebirds enjoyed learning about new ways that can help look after our environment as well as ways to help Moorlands throw away less rubbish. They learnt how to compost!
First Robins and Bluebirds learnt about instructions, so that it would help them follow the instructions on how to make a compost.

All the children then helped to read the instructions and look for the items that they needed to put in, including sticks, leaves, cardboard boxes, tea bags, fruit peelings, water, soil  and even dead plants.

Robins and Bluebirds were keen to help other people to compost so they have created posters so you know what can and can not go in a compost and they also wrote their own instructions so you know how to compost too!

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Grounds Week Day 2 - Frog's Blog

It has been a very muddy, wet day! It's a good job we had our wellies on!

Yesterday, we left a tray of water outside to see what would happen. It froze into ice overnight. We touched it and watched it melt when it was indoors in the warm.
It felt freezing cold! It began to melt because our hands were warm. We have planned a science investigation to find out where ice will melt the quickest! We will let you know our results...

We have been learning about the artist, Andy Goldsworthy. He is an environmental artist and uses natural items in his art work. We collected rocks, leaves, twigs, sticks and stones to make our own artwork. We will post pictures when we have finished them!

Monday, 12 January 2015

Grounds Week Day 1 – Frog’s Blog

Today we went on a weather walk to look for signs of winter. We noticed that the trees are bare. It was a very cold day so before we went outside we ate some porridge to warm ourselves up.We noticed a tree with green still on it. We learnt that this is called an evergreen tree. An evergreen stays green all year round.

During autumn, we made bird feeders to keep the birds fed during winter. When we saw them today, they were empty. We are going to refill them for the birds.

Friday, 2 January 2015

The dragon visit

Ladybirds class could not decide if dragons were real or not, so we had a debate and put our answers in a voting box. But still we could not decide. Mrs Whittingstall-Bean said she had arranged for some dragons to visit the school and we could decide then.   

We are so lucky to have dragons and lizards visit our class, can we have one as a pet?

It was the best day ever, the big monitor dragon was only 8 months old and it will be huge when it’s an adult.

Even Mrs Whittingstall-Bean held the big dragon.

I found out reptiles are cold blooded.
I found out that they shed their skin like snakes do.

They lay eggs and their babies know how to eat and hunt straight away.

They were amazing and felt dry not wet like I thought.

I found out that a dragon is a type of lizard which is a reptile.

It was brilliant; I got to hold a bearded dragon.
Wow! wow! I touched a bearded dragon.

Pumpkin soup

When the children were in year 1 they planted pumpkin seeds. As they grew the children kept watering the plants and in year 2 brought them with and re potted them in bigger pts. They fed them regularly and were rewarded with one large pumpkin. The children had a vote on what to do with their prized pumpkin, the children all decided to make pumpkin soup as one of their class secrets of success is to try new things. The children had to follow written instructions to prepare and cook the soup.

It is a shame only one pumpkin grew really big. We have kept the seeds and will grow them again next year.

I can’t wait to grow more vegetables in our outside area.

It was tricky to cut the pumpkin into cube shapes but I persevered.

The smell from the kitchen was really good as it was cooking.

The pumpkin soup was smooth in texture and very tasty.

It tasted really yummy.
I wasn’t going to try it but I did and loved it, I had two cups of it.


Ladybird’s class are very lucky to have a gymnastics coach once a week.  As he is a specialist he can teach the children many different moves. The children each week practice the skills he has taught them and then learn something new.

Some of the stretches are tricky.
I can do pike, straddle and star jumps.  
You have to be sensible and follow instructions.


Using the two benches is hard when he leaves a gap in between but I enjoy the challenge.

I would like to join a gymnastic club.

I like doing the crab, rabbit hop and spider move.
I have learnt it is best to do them slowly because if you rush you don’t do it right.

I like the wall bars best. I was scared to start with.


Castle role play

The children in Ladybirds made their own role play for the topic ‘Dungeons and Dragons.’ The children decided they wanted a castle. So they got together and made a list of what they wanted it to look like. They then made a list of all the equipment they needed. The children have had great fun planning and making their role play.


Oh it’s so much fun making our own role play.

We got messy painting the castle but that didn’t matter as it looks really good. We used a sponge to make the castle look old.



Some parents made us outfits for us to dress up in. My favourite is the maids outfit.


We wanted to know what musical instruments were played in a castle in the olden days. So we invited a lady who played the Lute. It was so cool.


We learnt that Lutes and Bugles were played to entertain the King and Queen.


Reuben’s family made a great throne for the castle. It is amazing.


I like telling jokes and being a Jester to make the King laugh.