Monday, 23 November 2015

Sea Slugs

Year three had a very special treat this afternoon. A band called Sea Slugs came to play us some music. We joined in with the singing (after doing our vocal warm ups) and then joined the band as a huge drum kit.

This was the introduction where we listened to a song (we danced in our seats a bit as well!)

Then we got up to do our vocal warm up.

Then we became a giant drum kit (stomping and clapping)

A huge thank you to Sea Slugs for a great afternoon that we all enjoyed and to Mrs Pritchard for organising the workshop.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Grounds Week - Newts Class

On Monday we went on a weather walk and we used our senses to describe an Autumn day. We heard birds tweeting, we saw spooky spider webs and smelt damp soggy mud. 

 In Science we learnt about Deciduous and Evergreen trees. We discovered that Moorlands School has got many Oak and Sycamore trees.
 We pretended we were hibernating squirrels. We needed to find as many acorns as possible so that we could survive throughout the Winter months.
'I had a lot of fun being a squirrel and finding the best hiding places' 

Birds need extra food for the Winter, so we decided to make bird feeders.

We spent a long time planning our dinosaur den with our team. It was a challenging task trying to make sure that it was strong and water/ wind resistant.
'I found it tricky at first to work as a team, but then we listened to each other and made a strong dinosaur den' 

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Frogs- Grounds Week Day 4

Today we went up to the woods and when we got there we made a den for the three little pigs. We collected lots of natural materials to help us. We found some sticks and leaves and used string to hold it altogether.

We worked as a team to build our dens.

We had lots of fun but got very messy!

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Frog's Grounds Week Day 2 and 3

 Yesterday we were leaf detectives! We found lots of leaves and we looked at them closely. We identified which trees they were from.  We found leaves from oak, sycamore, birch, ash and rowan trees. In the afternoon we did some leave rubbings and sketching. We found out that leaves have veins.

 Today, we learnt about how animals hibernate during the winter. We played a game where we had to 'squirral' acorns away for the winter... then we had to find them again!
 To help feed the birds during the winter, we made bird feeders to hang in the school grounds. We mixed up lard, nuts and seeds. Then we spooned the mixture into a plastic bottle. Look out for them around school!

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Frog's Grounds Week - Day 1

Yesterday we went on a weather walk to look for signs of autumn. We had to use all of our senses. We saw dew glistening on a cobweb. We could feel the cold, crisp air on our faces. We could smell the squishy mud and we could hear the leaves crunching under our feet.

When we came back to class we sketched what we saw. Then we wrote about what we saw.

Here is some of our fantastic work!