Friday 7 November 2014

Grounds Week - Year R Bear Hunt

Robins and Bluebirds were very excited to go on a bear hunt in our school woods; during Grounds Week. Would you believe it we actually found a bear, living in the woods! The children listened to the story of 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' in the morning and then started a walk through the woods, chanting "We're going on a bear hunt, we're going to catch a big one, what a beautiful day, we're not scared".

 We came across grass, long wavy grass. We couldn't go over it, we couldn't go under it, we had to go through it!

Then we came across a river, a cold deep river. We couldn't go over it, we couldn't go under it, we had to go through it!

 Next there was mud, thick, ozzy mud. We couldn't go over it, we couldn't go under it, we had to go through it!

After that there was a deep dark forest. We couldn't go over it, we couldn't go under it, we had to go through it!

And snow storm, a swirling, whirling snowstorm. We couldn't go over it, we couldn't go under it, we had to go through it!

Uh oh, a cave, a deep, dark cave! We couldn't go over it, we couldn't go under it, we had to go through it!

 One wet shiny nose, two big furry ears, two big goggly eyes! It was a bear! Ahh!

The children traveled back through the obstacles back to the classroom, but we weren't scared because the bear living in our woods was a kind, friendly, cuddly bear.