Friday 23 May 2014

Year R 's Mini-beast Topic

This half term we have been learning all about mini-beasts.
We have learnt lots of facts which we have used to write our own non-fiction leaflet.
We also had a visit from a story teller who told us lots of short mini-beast stories; which we used to help us do lots of story writing - retelling the story teller's stories, rewriting the hungry caterpillar and ordering the pictures, then planning and our very own mini-beast stories with our own made up characters.
We've also had lots of fun using the mini-beasts in our maths, looking at symmetry on butterflies and other mini-beasts and using ladybirds to help us double and half numbers with their spots.

Our most favourite part though was having our very own caterpillars and ants!

Our Caterpillars arrived and they started off very small, they had their own special food in their tub and air holes to help them breath!
They grew very big and eventually spun themselves into cocoons, we were surprised when we saw they lost parts of their bodies in the process. Once in their cocoons we had to hang them in the net.
We waited for about 2 weeks and then across the weekend they had turned into beautiful butterflies. We had lots of fun observing them, looking at their colours and body parts and watching how they eat. Did you know butterflies taste with their feet and drink nectar as well as muddy puddles to get lots of minerals?

After having our butterflies for a week we let them fly away on our last day of the half term. We were all very excited to see them fly.

We haven't had our ants for long so we will be continuing to watch them in our next topic but are very excited for them to arrive and waiting to see what they do in the farm. We will be sure to share with you some photos of their farm as it progresses.  

Thank you to all who have helped and contributed to our mini-beast topic!