Thursday 15 May 2014

Year R's Farm Trip

Robins and Bluebirds enjoyed a trip to the Longdown Activity Farm last term. We were shown around by some farmers and got to do lots of exciting jobs to help them.

Firstly we got to hold some chicks! We learnt that a chick takes 21 days to hatch, and ducklings take 28 days.

We had to put special cream on our hands that showed up under a UV light if we hadn't washed all the germs off properly.
We next got to help feed lots of animals; calves, kids, horses, pigs and Billy goats.

 We held some baby guinea pigs.
We helped to get the eggs from the chicken coop and take them to the farm shop to be sold.

 We then had our lunch and played on the slide in the haystacks before coming back on the coach to school.

We loved our trip to the farm, a big thank you to all our parent helpers and Longdown Activity Farm for having us and letting us help with all the farmer's jobs.

We learnt loads of facts about the animals; we remembered these facts, along with doing some of our own research and made some brilliant information books. We also used our writing skills to make a diary of the day at the Farm.