Bitsa and Demi's Blog
I love grounds week because it is an opportunity to do intresting things outside. My most favourite thing that we did was orienteering. We went in the woods.
I love grounds week because it is full with fun and you can do lots of activities. I liked the part where we measured trees.
Brooklyn's Blog
I really enjoyed sketching the trees. We went on the scooters for our marble treat. We really enjoyed orienteering we got to get the compasses.
We went in the woods, we went on the computers and we had a game of rounders.
Alice's Blog
I really liked grounds week because you got to play in the mud and normally read stories together and we all explored the scary forest for our learning and it was fun. We had lots of fun.
Jay and Ellie's Blog
I really enjoyed grounds week we did lots of amazing things. We enjoyed measuring the circumference of the tree's and exploring the woods. We also sketched beautiful picture's of nature. It was awesome and brillent
I was really exitied to go to the woods and to use the compass and to find the clues. It was easy when we worked as a team.
Kieran and Oli's Blog
In grounds week we had a good time because we where playing lots of things in the woods like orienteering.
Sophie and Ellena's Blog
This week we've been doing grounds week in the woods and we have been doing fun things like looking for cards in the woods during orienteering.We love grounds week.
Jakub and Elliot's Blog
We have the best grounds week. We've been sketching trees and orienting this a very good to learn.
Grace and Nikita's Blog
We have had so much fun during our great grounds week . I am so tired after our opportunity to sketch any living plant, measuring trees so we can find out thier age and orienteering was fun when we had to find the cards but it was a little tricky at the same time!
Whilst sketching we all enjoyed searching for plants of different types.Adding as much detail as possible was tricky but worth it as they were all absoutely amazing.Also they looked so realistic as we took our time.
We had so much fun during grounds week.
Louie and Jake's Blog
This week we have been doing grounds week and it has been very good fun. Our favourite bit of grounds week was doing measuring with trees and we also liked doing things about cool flowers and we liked using a compass.
Jaya's Blog
In Grounds week I enjoyed doing the sketching and using the compass . We had lots of fun.
Vanessa's Blog
I really enjoyed grounds week especially when we were sketching the woods. Also I had a chance to work with a group for a whole week and we are really nicely sharing and having lots of fun. We used compasses and we had a task to put red fred in his bed! They really meant to put the red arrow between the 2 green lines for orienteering. We had a great time at grounds week.