Jack and Brogan's Blog
On Monday we went up to the woods to find the oldst tree.
On Tuesday we went on Scratch. Scratch is a programme that you can
use to code.
It was fun!!!
Thomas and Ria's Blog
On Wednesday we were practising rounders. It was great.
Bailey and Chase's Blog
On Monday we were set a challenge. It was to find the oldest tree in the school woods. To do this we had to work together to measure the circumference of a tree and divide it by 2.5
After break we played rounders it was extreemley good. It was pratice for Friday when we play year 2.We have some really really amazing and fantastic bowlers,fielders and batters. The next day we played on a programme called scratch it was pretty fun. Here are some photos.
On Thursday we did some orienteering.
Jessica and Caitlin's Blog
On Monday our class was set a challenge . The challenge was to measure circumference of a tree to work out how old it was. We had to go in the woods .
In P.E we all have been playing rounders. We have had a match in house groups (fire , earth ,wind and water ) . This is a piture of our class playing rounders. Rounders is so fun. We took it in turns to bat and bowl. We had to practise to improve .
Melissa and Shakeela's Blog
On Tuesday we played on a programme called scratch on the laptops. Playing with scratch was fun the whole class made there own little programs.This someones funny programe.This programe is about a cat running out of a classroom.
On Wednesday we did orienteering in the woods as a class. Here is s picture of some people doing orienteering.
Jacob and Owen's Blog
On Monday we were set a challenge of finding out what tree was the oldest in the school woods. To do this we had to work together to measure the cumfrence of a tree and divied it by 2.5.
Te next day went on a programme called...... scratch it is the best programme.
Amisha and Joseph's Blog
On Monday dragonflies went to the woods. We measured the trees in groups of 3. We had measuring sticks and a tape measure.
On Tuesday we went on scratch and made a video.
Kyle and Layton's Blog
On monday we were set a challange of finding the oldest tree in the school wood's. To do this we had to work together to measure the cicrumference of a tree and divide by 2.5.
On Tuesday morning we dis some programing on a game called scratch 2. Some of us dis this one, a football match .If you go on motion you can make your character talk.
Oscar and Hayden's Blog
On monday we measuerd trees .It was fun.
This is one of the children's scratch programmes. It took a long time.
The boys and girls are looking at a compass looking for a direction.
Jasmine and Janelle's Blog
On Tuesday we learnt how to programe using a game called scratch2. First we had to log onto it then start programing.Everybody had great ideas. This was one of are favourite subjects.
On Monday we learnt how to play rounders because on Friday we were going against year 2.
On Thursday we had to go into the woods because we were learning how to use a compass. This was called orienteering.
Corben and Bailey's Blog
On Monday we played rounders. We all found it fun
Lots of us got a rounder.