Tuesday 17 May 2016

Day 2: Eggs, sandcastles and fossils

First sleep achieved by all resulting in three very proud teachers.

After a very hearty breakfast we were off to save Egg Sheeran from certain doom. To be able to assist our fragile friend we first needed to earn some money in the form of counters by carrying out a variety of team challenges:

 Finding the green paperclip in the grass.
                                                How many balls can one person hold?
 Get the ball from start to finish without leaving the tubes.
                                   Turn over the flying carpet without leaving it.
 Get the chicken, seed, fox and farmer across the river.
                        Ordering ourselves in different ways without talking.
 Passing hoops around the string and human circle.
                                      Saving Hampshire from nuclear destruction.
Then came planning, shopping and making time. How could Egg Sheeran survive being catapulted through the air, landing on a concrete surface and still live to sing another day?
Aim and.......     fire!


                                               But then on our final attempt...... Success!    

 After yet another scrumptiously delicious lunch and a hearty rendition of Happy Birthday for the lovely Maya who has turned 10 today, we were off to the beach.

Task 1: Rockpool building.
             Collecting a whole range of living molluscs and sea creatures to add to our mini aquatic 

We found some beautiful anemones.

Task 2: Sandcastle building challenge.
             Points awarded for height, creativity and decoration.
Even the oldies couldn't resist joining in on this one!

Task 3: Fossil hunting.
             Well done to Ashley who straight away found a shark's tooth and Faith for finding an eagle
             ray crushing plate!

Now another day is almost over, we are preparing for one more adventure before we climb into our bunks - a late night trip to the badger hide. We're keeping everything crossed in the hope of seeing our black and white furry friends. Eeeeeeeeeeeek we're so excited!