Wednesday 18 May 2016

Day 3 - Earthquakes, mammals and chickens

First of all, begin we begin our third blog of our trip, we have some great news to share with you all..... last night we were extremely privileged to see not one but two foxes and wait for it......... A BADGER!!
After a well deserved sleep after a rather late night, we arose to pandemonium. A force 7 earthquake had struck Stubbington!
Fear not though as the Moorlands Rescue Team were on hand to offer assistance. So equipped with a mobile phone, blanket, first aid kit, torch, rations box, shovel and ladder we made our way showing courage, grit and determination.
(We weren't very impressed with having to check the sewers were clear of casualties)


After lunch we were given some shocking news. Stubbington conservation area is to be turned into a car park if the planners have their way. We knew this couldn't be the case and so we decided to take action and prove to the nasty planners that the conservation couldn't be touched as it is home to an amazing array of plants and creatures.  To do this we set off to collect evidence of tracks, markings, homes and of course our favourite.... droppings.

However, this wasn't enough to ensure the safety of the woods. We needed to find animals. Therefore we decided to become hotel developers and create mammals hotels amazing enough to entice them in for a little visit. To do this they needed to be 5*:
*Have food
*Have drink

(Very proud of our hotels!)

Then it was time to position our 5* hotels ready to receive their guests for the night. Once inserted into the tubes it was our job to camouflage them.

Tonight we were in for a real treat. Two weeks ago Stubbington hatched 2 adorable chickens both of which we were given the privilege to handle and stroke.


Before supper, we had some unexpected and rather unwelcome visitors..... pirates!


One of these dastardly pirates had committed a theft of stealing a precious chest of treasure and we had to find out who. After 40 minutes of charging around the grounds interrogating a whole host of fiendish rogues the culprit was found... Squire Buoy who was literally caught red handed!