Monday 29 June 2015

Hilliers Gardens Year Three

Today Year Three visited Hilliers Gardens near Romsey as part of our science topic.We had an amazing day walking around the garden and learning new things.

We started the day with drama, pretending to be seeds turning into flowers and then being pollinated by Beatrice Bee. We then played seed survival where we learned that there are lots of things that can kill seeds.

We walked around the gardens and found lots of interesting things.

We found a tunnel leading through a giant Gunnera (dinosaur plant)
Another tunnel lead through bamboo. Bamboo feels like plastic and when you shake it the leaves make a calming sound.
We also saw a Giant Red Wood and all stood inside the leaves around the trunk. The bark was soft and furry and is fire proof. This tree is just a baby but they are the largest living things on the planet.

We bounced across a rather springy brigde...

...and hid inside a strange looking 'igloo' tree!

At last we stopped in the shade to look at the ducks and fish.

After a beautiful picnic lunch we set off for our last activities of the day.
We learned about the different parts of a plant (petals, sepal, stigma and stamen) and explore the rather smelly herb garden (nice smelly!)

We used light metres to test how much light was getting through to the ground. The gardeners use these so they know the best place to plant new plants.