Thursday 18 June 2015

Stubbington Day 4 - It was a hot one!

As we awoke for our final day here at Stubbington the sun greeted us with open arms... it was already promising to be another beautiful day.

With suncream on we headed off to the highly anticipated Earthquake! Yeah! Were we going to be able to work as a team to transport all of the necessary rescue equipment (first aid kit, torch, water, food, blankets, stretcher, ladder and dog) to the victims of this catastrophic natural disaster?

After lunch we flew off to a faraway land however, unfortunately, our plane crash landed onto a tropical desert island. To protect us from the elements and any wild beasts lurking in the undergrowth we were tasked with buidling shelters for us to rest in while we awaited rescue.


After lunch, as if surviving an earthquake and plane crash wasn't quite enough, we had to save a village from an infectious, life threatening tropical disease. To do this there was only one solution, to harvest a rare and ancient species of orchid (to be exact, the traffic cone orchid) and then travel across hazardous terrains to reach the helpless villagers.

By the end of the final full day the children were still having an absolute blast whereas the teachers on the otherhand...