Thursday 18 June 2015

Stubbington Day 3 - What an eggcellent day!

This morning began with a flurry of excitement as we ventured out to retrieve our mammal hotels which had been left out overnight. Had we caught any small furry friends?

Once back in the classroom our brave leader carefully checked each and every hotel and lo and behold we had two successful hotels! Yay!

With excitement and trepidation we watched on as in turn each of the traps were emptied and the contents examined. What we had caught was one adult male yellow neck mouse and one adult male long tailed field mouse. The successful pairs carried out a series of tasks including measuring, weighing and naming their guests. The names chosen were Stuart Little and Jimbob.

Once we had time to draw and observe our furry friends we decided it was time to release them back to their homes.

After lunch it was time for our first big group activity. Could we catapult an egg into the air without it smashing on impact? Before we could consider how to do this we needed to earn ourselves counters to purchase egg protecting materials. This involved carrying out a series of group challenges such as untangling ropes, holding as many balls as we could and preventing a nuclear disaster from happening! During these we were able to demonstrate and apply our communication and cooperation skills.

Upon our return to the classroom we traded in our well earned counters for a range of materials with the hope of saving our eggs from becoming scrambled.

As soon as we were satisfied and convinced our eggs, named Mr Scarborough (the Stubbington manager), Shelly, Eggward and Eggbert, were safe and protected we carefully and lovingly transported them to the catapult! 3.....2......1...... lift off................................... SPLAT!!!!

Then it was time for dinner, settling time and bed. However, during our final head count it would appear we have gained a new member of our class...