Friday 19 June 2015

Stubbington - Day 5 (It's gone too fast)

Today we  all woke up not quite believing this was our final day. It really was trye that time flew when you were having fun.

However there was one final activity planned. YAY!... Stubbington Fox.

Ourselves and the lovely St Deny's School (with whom we had built up some close relations with this week) set off as paired foxes with the aim of avoiding the troublesome farmers, one of which was Farmer Strangwood, and headed towards the various markers we were hunting out.

After our final lunch complete, it was back to our dorms to pack and bring overflowing cases to our 'chill out' room. With grateful and happy hearts, we bid our amazing leaders a fond farewell. So long Stubbington, thank you for the memories which will last a lifetime,  we're sure!!