Wednesday 17 June 2015

Stubbington Day 2 (and what a long one it was!

After a rather excitable first night and very early rise from most (5.20am to be exact), we embarked on what was going to be an action packed but long day. Today was to be our late night hide session.

But before that, we began our day learning the survival skill of being able to read a compass.  Once we were secure and had practised in the classroom we put our skills to the test in an orienteering session.

After break, we embarked on a mission to save the Stubbington conservation area from developers by proving it is home to many different mammals. To do this we first had to be detectives and search for signs of animal life such as droppings (yuck), tracks and pawprints.

Although we had gathered a lot of evidence we were told sadly this would not be enough and we needed to actually find these living creatures so we began to design mammal hotels comfy enough to lure visitors in overnight. Once made, we found tucked away places to position our hotels and would leave them there until the next day.

After dinner we played a game together and began to settle down for the evening. At 10.30pm, once it was dark and quiet, we got ourselves ready and silently headed off to the wildlife hide. The previous night's class had seen foxes but sadly no badgers. Was tonight going to be our night?

Yes!!! Memories were definitely made tonight as not one but 3 badgers along with 2 foxes decided to venture out and feast on our day's leftover food. A truly magical moment.

With smiles on our by now very sleepy faces we quickly drifted off to sleep and were all settled within 10 minutes of our return.... bliss!