Friday 5 June 2015

Summer term
Last half term badger class did a wide range of fun and brain boggling activities. As a class we have developed dramatically and very much come together as one even more so then we were before. This is a result of going through a lot together and overcoming some of the hardest times of our school life we are going to face.

One of these particularly hard times was the build up to the dreaded SATS. We may have been dreading them but we were all confident in ourselves that we were going to be just fine because we had each other, supportive teachers and people we could go to if we needed advice or help. Our ELSA (Mrs Dally) was such a massive help to a lot of the year 6 pupils. The last week or two before SATS were really the last push all we could do was get our head down and focus we just had to except the fact it was going to be a hard and emotional time but we were going to power through it.

After hours of maths lessons and plenty of focused writes the time had finally come the 11th of May SATS had finally started. In the mornings from Monday until Thursday the whole class was invited to attend a free morning breakfast club this ran from 8:20-8:50. This was to ensure that no one was coming into class stressed or feeling like they simply couldn’t do it this was an increasingly big help to all of us.

After successfully completing our SATS we had to put them behind us, our papers had been sent away and there was simply nothing we could do we couldn’t change them or re-do them and there was no point in stressing over them what was done was done and  there was no point in stressing.

After our last test on Thursday we had a mini party watching movies and having some free time we couldn’t have our party just yet because there was still ten people completing the level 6 test in the opposite room .We didn’t worry though because we knew we were having an awesome party to look forward to the following day.


On the Friday badger class had a WHOLE DAY of P.E and party food we had a range of sports like:




We also had the choose to do what we wanted on the field

A few weeks after this me (Scarlett) and Lucy, Tillie, Rianne, Isabelle, Stephanie, Jamila, Jenna and Josie all went to Petersfield to play a tournament against 11 other schools we came 4th overall but sadly did not get into the semi-final =( We were very disappointed but we were only in it for the fun.



The next week we did a whole three days of art. We focused on the famous painting starry night by Vincent Van Gough. We created lots of different styles and pictures linked to the piece. We also did space art by Peter Thorpe. We had a lot of fun creating all these different styles and we learned a lot.