Tuesday 2 June 2015

Year R's Superheroes Topic

Bluebirds and Robins were rudely interrupted by Supergirl looking for Slime Man who had been 'sliming' all through our classrooms. She asked for our help and we were happy to help build traps in our garden area.

We were relieved to hear that our traps worked and Supergirl could take him to the police station! This led us to a Superhero topic where we have been on secret missions helping Supergirl and other superheroes. The children have found out that superheroes live all around us and help in our community every day.

We wrote newspaper reports about when Slime Man came to Moorlands, wrote secret messages  and even tried writing our own superhero stories using story plans.

We had to break number codes to read messages and learn number bonds to 10 and 20.

We learnt how to make new colours through mixing primary colours.

We have enjoyed playing in role in the Doctor's Surgery and Fire Station and learning all about people who help us in the community.

We also looked at superheroes in comic strips, learning about features of comic strips, reading the stories and painting Lichtenstein style pop art to make comic style painting.

We enjoyed listening and dancing to the Superman song and trying to keep up with all the actions, even when it got faster!